Orenda Immune® + Detox

Orenda Immune® + Detox

Orenda Immune® + Detox provides both Immune and Detoxification Support.* The advanced ingredients Calcium d-Glucarate, Lactobacillus Fermentium (with Muramyl Peptides), and Beta 1,3 glucans are some of the most powerful compounds known today for the Immune system.* This proprietary blend of ingredients is exclusive to Orenda Immune® + Detox.

Beta 1, 3 Glucans
Support the immune system by connecting directly with receptors on circulating immune cells to promote their activity.*

Lactobacillus Fermentium (with Muramyl Peptides)
Has shown in laboratory studies to support increased activity in key cells of the immune system.*

Calcium d-Glucarate
Supports your body’s natural process of cellular detoxification, also known as Glucuronidation.* – targeting Xenoestrogens and other hormone disruptors with estrogen-blocking effects.*


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Glucuronidation Graphic

The Process of Glucuronidation

  1. Glucose covers cell.
  2. Toxins attack cells.
  3. Through glucuronidation harmful substances are removed from the cells, made water soluble, and eliminated from the body.
  4. A harmful enzyme often reverses glucuronidation, releasing toxins back into the body.
  5. Glucarate from the cell bonds with the enzyme, preventing its harmful actions.

More about Orenda Immune® + Detox

Click the full ingredients list to read the recommended intakes and the supplement facts, and read research articles related to Orenda Immune® + Detox.